Virus, spyware, and malware removal

Are you getting pop-ups, freezing, running slow, viruses. Getting the dreaded blue screen, doing strange things? Displaying programs you haven’t installed and that won’t let you do anything? Chances are, you have a virus, spyware, or malware. We can remove all the bugs from your system.

Performance Tune-up

Is your computer running slow? Want better reliability and performance? A performance tune-up will have your machine running like new! We can diagnose your computer and give you an estimate of the cost before the work begins.

Data Transfer or Data Recovery

Bought a new desktop or laptop? Need data bought over from your old machine? Be sure to retain all your emails, documents, photos. Computer not booting and forgot to do a backup but don’t want to lose your private information? Chances are good we can recover it for you.


Need more performance. It might be time to upgrade the CPU, SSD hard drive, or RAM that can speed up your computer.


Remote Support

Need your computer fixed – We can securely remote into your computer and fix most issues and you won’t have to take all the cables apart and lug it down to a shop. Using remote control technology, you don’t even have to unplug your computer to have it repaired. We can log in remotely and fix your computer problems! Contact us to find out more about Remote Support. (High-speed Internet Required)

We can even custom-build the PC of your dreams!